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How To Lose Your “Dad Bod”

Start losing that dreaded dad bod with these 6 life(style)-changing tips.

In this article:

  1. Are You Tired of Your Dad Bod?
    1. Add Some Protein to Your Morning Meal 
    2. Cut Back on the Carbs, Particularly the Liquid Ones 
    3. Mix Up Your Fitness Routine with Interval Training 
    4. Stay Hydrated 
    5. Get to Bed Early 
    6. Find a Way to Relax 

Bid Dad Bod Goodbye with These 6 Tips


Are You Tired of Your Dad Bod?

When the dad bod became a viral sensation, many men thought they finally found a trend they could get behind.

Dad Bod Definition: Slang or colloquialism for a male body characterized by flabby arms and soft, round abdominal area. Men with dad bods do not have to be overweight but do give off a less-than-fit vibe. The name may have come from the idea that it is common among married men and fathers to “let go” of their fit lifestyles.

Unfortunately, while it’s important to feel good about your body at any weight, having excess fat around your stomach can put you at risk for more serious health concerns. Carrying too much belly fat can increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

This type of fat can also release hormones around your stomach. These can degrade muscle tissue, among others.

Rocking a dad bod for too long can become a vicious cycle.

It doesn’t mean you have to spend your life in the gym to meet your men’s fitness goals. Taking a few simple steps to improve your nutrition, boost your workout routine, and lower your stress levels can help you shed the excess weight in the abdominal area.

With this in mind, here are six tips to help you lose your dad bod and get rid of that beer belly for good.

Beer Belly Definition: It is the informal term for a round belly that may develop due to the excessive consumption of calories, such as beer.

1. Add Some Protein to Your Morning Meal

Does your normal breakfast consist of cereal and coffee (or just coffee)? You may be making it harder to shed the extra weight around your stomach.

Eating breakfast is important for kick-starting your metabolism and keeping your energy levels high throughout the day. Adding more protein to your morning meal helps even more.

One study found those who ate between 22% and 55% of their overall calories at breakfast over a four-year period gained only 25% of the weight than those who skipped the meal.

For added benefits, get your morning protein from eggs. Eggs contain choline, a vitamin that may stop belly fat accumulation.

2. Cut Back on the Carbs, Particularly the Liquid Ones

It should come as no surprise simple carbs are the foundation of a dad bod. Pizza, pasta, and bread are all delicious.

These are empty carbs, though. All they do is increase your belly fat.

Instead of dining on plenty of carbs, aim to include more protein and fiber in your diet. An easy way to cut back on carbs is to stop drinking them.

Limit your alcohol intake. After all, there’s a reason people call it a beer belly. Each beer you drink can contain as many as 100 calories. Moderation is the key.

You don’t need to give up beer entirely. Instead, remember to go for only one bottle whenever you decide to relax with a cold one.

3. Mix Up Your Fitness Routine with Interval Training

man running on path | How To Lose Your “Dad Bod” | men's fitness

Getting back into a solid gym routine can be a challenge. The feeling is worse if you don’t seem to notice any changes after jogging on the treadmill or lifting weights for hours.

That’s why it’s important to find the right fitness regimen. For shedding fat while maintaining muscle, no routine can compare to interval training.

Interval training can boost your metabolism and improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin.

It may even improve your cholesterol profile. You can also turn any aerobic exercise into interval training.

Here’s an example. Choose your favorite exercise. It can be running or biking.

Then, structure an interval workout by alternating periods of high speed with moderate speed. Start with about 30 to 60 seconds of each, alternating 6 to 10 times.

As you build your fitness level, you can increase your periods of high speed while keeping your rest times the same.

4. Stay Hydrated

We all know it’s important to get enough water. What you may not be aware of is how important hydration is in getting rid of the dad bod.

How can water help you lose weight? Your metabolism can slow down when you’re dehydrated, leading to weight gain.

One University of Utah study found adults who drank eight 8-ounce cups of water daily had a higher metabolic rate than the participants who drank only four cups of water per day.

The scientists behind the study found the calorie burn decreased by about 2% when you lack hydration. Over the course of the year, this can add up to an extra five pounds!

Many men also tend to mistake thirst for hunger. Don’t fall into the trap of eating more when all you need is another glass of water.

5. Get to Bed Early

If you’re a night owl, it can be difficult to get yourself to bed early. Getting enough sleep, though, is important for reducing hunger and getting rid of stubborn belly fat.

One study of identical twins conducted by Finnish researchers found the twin who slept more had less abdominal fat.

Aim to get at least seven hours of sleep every night. You can make it easier to sleep better by staying away from electronics an hour before you go to bed.

The blue light emitted by a phone or tablet can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that controls sleep.

Too little melatonin may increase the risk for heart disease and obesity.

RELATED: Why You Can’t Sleep | Insomnia Ruining Your Mojo

6. Find a Way to Relax

For many men, one of the greatest barriers to eating healthier and exercising more is stress. High levels of stress can make it difficult to make the right food choices.

You’re more likely to reach for that comforting donut (or a dozen donuts) than a healthy salad if you feel tense and anxious. The simple carbohydrates comfort food contains can only lead to more belly fat.

Stress hormones such as cortisol can also increase the body’s tendency to retain body fat.

Finding an effective strategy to keep your stress levels low is vital. Many men find exercise, meditation, or yoga helpful.

In general, do something that lowers your stress each day.


Here are some tips on how to avoid the dad bod by the Buff Dudes:

It doesn’t matter whether you want to improve your health or confidence. Getting rid of your dad bod may be easier than you think.

Eat better, be strategic about your fitness routine, and manage your stress. You will be on your way to seeing your abdominal muscles again.

Do you have other tips on how to deal with a dad bod? Share your ideas in the comments section below.

Up Next: How To Be A Cool Dad

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