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How to Make Your Girlfriend Happy Without Spending A Dime

Broke and figuring out how to make your girlfriend happy? There a lot of ways to say “I love you” without dropping a month’s salary for a fancy dinner. It isn’t always about buying your girl shiny, pretty things. Here are 7 things you can do that tell her just how much you love her — without using your wallet.

How To Make Your Girlfriend Happy | Economically Sound Gestures Of Love


1. Leave Her Notes

As cliché as it sounds, leaving notes is a great answer to the question of how to make your girlfriend happy. There’s not a lot that excites a girl more than seeing a random love note stuck in her purse, on her pillow, or her car’s sun visor. These little love notes say a lot more than any text message you could ever send her. The fact you spent the extra time putting pen to paper means a lot, especially in this digital age. Remember: everything may be electronic now, but sometimes, analog is still the best way to go.

2. Make Her Lunch

Make Her Lunch | How to Make Your Girlfriend Happy Without Spending A Dime | effort | little things

One of the best ways to make your girlfriend happy is by making her lunch to take to work. Packing a lunch for your girlfriend is an awesome way to show her how much you care. Nothing beats a home-cooked meal (especially if you aren’t an especially gifted cook—the effort won’t be lost on her).  But don’t worry – here’s a great recipe for you to learn so she can have something edible for lunch!

3. Film A Vlog

Ever watch The Martian, where Matt Damon plants potatoes on Mars? Remember how he used to film vlogs every single day? Doing that for your girlfriend is a touching way to remind her that you’re thinking of her. This is a lot like leaving notes, except she sees your expertly-groomed face talking about how much you love her.

In this age of high-quality smartphone cameras, it’s easy to film your mug. Upload that video to YouTube or send it to her through your messaging app. Do this as a daily thing, or a once-in-a-while thing; doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you took a few minutes of your day to say a few sweet nothings.

4. Breakfast In Bed

The best way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach. Yes, they all say it’s the way to men’s hearts, but everyone has to eat. And girls especially love it when you serve ’em breakfast in bed. That is literally the most queenly thing you could ever do for your girlfriend. Even if all you serve is some jam on buttered toast and a cup of coffee, bringing a meal to her in bed is sure to put a smile on her face—because you actually bothered to get up before she did.

5. Chores, Chores, Chores

When living together, the best way to show your girlfriend how much you love her is by doing chores. It’s the 21st century, my dude. Gone are the days where the woman does all the chores while you sit around with a Bud Light watching the big game. Do the chores while she’s out. Just imagine: she comes home and everything is sparkling clean. The vacuuming’s done, dishes all washed and put away, laundry’s folded, and the bathroom is so clean you could eat off the tiles. Doing these little chores for her really means a lot to your girlfriend. So get off your butt and put on that apron — it’s time to get cleaning.

6. Scrapbooking The Journey

Okay, technically, you’ll have to buy scrapbooking stuff for this. But if you want a way to make your girlfriend happy, scrapbooking your relationship so far is one of those low-effort high-return things you can do. Take all the pictures you have together on your phone and print them out. Lay them out on a scrapbook. Pull out every trick you learned in your grade school art classes if you have to. Not only will your girlfriend feel like a giggly high schooler, you’ll also reap the benefits of scrapbooking as a calming activity. As long as you don’t lose your cool over papercuts and glitter.

7. The Little Things

Looking back at these, it’s easy to boil them all down to one thing. If you want to know how to make your girlfriend happy, it’s simple: Shower her with the little things. These include opening doors for her, turning on her fancy aromatherapy diffuser before you get in bed, or just plain giving her a random massage or cup of tea when she least expects it. Heck, you can even let her pop those zits on your back if it pleases her. These little things, no matter how mundane, mean a lot to a girl. That’s how a girl knows if you truly love her.


Mantelligence Dating lists 19 things you can do to make your girl happy:

This guide on how to sweep her off her feet is no more than a bunch of suggestions. It’s up to you to do the actual work and put in the effort required to achieve these things. Love is not always about the grand gestures. As you have seen in this article, it’s the little things that add up that really matter in a relationship. Doing these little things encourages her to keep on loving you, and your relationship will be all the better for it.

What little things do you do for your girlfriend? Tell your bros all about it in the comments section.

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