Whether you pride yourself on your efficient packing or you just shove everything in your suitcase and sit on it until you can zip it closed, you may be stumped when it comes to packing tricky items such as a suit. This guide will help you learn how to pack a suit the right way. How To Pack a Suit Unless you know you've got the time to find a dry cleaner to get your suit back …Continue Reading
4 Tips for Picking the Perfect Men’s Wedding Ring
After all the effort you put into purchasing an engagement ring, the process of more jewelry shopping may be understandably daunting. Fortunately, you are not necessarily alone when picking out a mens wedding ring. It is customary for your future spouse to purchase it for you as a gift. Unlike choosing an engagement ring, which you probably did behind your future spouse's back …Continue Reading
How To Tie a Tie: A Step-by-Step Guide
As ZZ Top famously sang, “Every girl’s crazy ‘bout a sharp-dressed man” — but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. It’s not just every girl who’s crazy about a sharp-dressed man: It’s also every boss, every client, every mother-in-law — you get the picture. Science concurs that dressing for success actually works. In other words, if you don’t know how to tie a tie, you’re …Continue Reading
How To Iron A Dress Shirt | Bonus: What To Do If You Don’t Have An Iron
With this simple guide on how to iron a dress shirt, you'll never look less than sharp again. How To Iron A Dress Shirt | Easy Step-by-Step Guide Step 1: Set the Ironing Board Take out your iron, ironing board, sleeve board, spray bottle, and any other equipment you may need. Arrange them in front of you for easy access. If you’re right-handed, the pointed side of …Continue Reading
Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas For Dudes
Out of fresh Halloween costume ideas? We’ve compiled a list of great characters that always provide maximum impact but with minimal effort. Zero-Effort Last-Minute Homemade Halloween Costumes 1. Danny Zuko from Grease https://twitter.com/carboncostume/status/1021742796959432704 You can totally rock this look even at the last minute because you probably already …Continue Reading