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Types of Beards That Women Love

Curious about different types of beards you see other men sporting? While some may be a shade too grizzly for your liking, there’s a few styles that are sure to make people (read: the ladies) take a second glance. These seven styles of beards will make heads turn at your local dive bar. Read on and get ready to reach for your razors.

Types Of Beards She’ll Go Wild For


1. Circle Beard

Circle Beard | Types of Beards That Women Love | styles of beards

The Circle Beard is a variant of the goatee, one of the most versatile types of beards. It combines a chin strap, soul patch, and a mustache that form a circle around your lips. To achieve this, shave off your sideburns but leave the chin strap. Run your razor along your cheeks, leaving only two lines attached to your mustache and chin strap. This beard style can last for a few weeks. Maintenance is key to this look, as stubble reduces its effect.

2. Classic Goatee

The goatee came into vogue back in the ’60s, at the height of the Summer of Love, and it’s still in today. It’s an easy and hassle-free way to keep your facial hair looking sharp. It works really well on men with square-shaped heads because it elongates the chin and gives your face a bit of contour. To achieve this, shave your sideburns down to your chin. Then, shave the mustache. Keep the soul patch and the goatee. Try to trim it if it looks too unruly. The goatee works best when it’s cropped.

3. Anchor

The Anchor beard is one of the newest and coolest types of beards to come into fashion. It is a pointed beard paired with a mustache that frames your jawline. This beard style gives you a nice, contemporary suave look. Trim off your facial hair and use a razor to define the shape. Make sure to shave your cheek hair and neck beard off. Once you’re nice and smooth, give your mustache a bit of love with a trim. Symmetry is key here, so ensure even lengths on both sides of your face. You will need to maintain this beard every few days or so, depending on how fast your facial hair grows.

4. Short Boxed

For guys who like the look of a full beard without the awkward length, the boxed beard is for you. It’s a lot cleaner than a full beard, as it frees up your lower lip and cheeks. This one does not require any sideburn trimming, so it’s easy to maintain. Basically, the short boxed beard is a circle beard with sideburns. Shave your cheek area like you would for a circle beard but keep the sideburns. Clean a bit off the cheeks with a sharp razor. If it’s still too long, try trimming it with a 3mm clipper. This style works best on men with rounder heads.

5. Van Dyke

If you feel a bit fancy, try the Van Dyke style. Of all the types of beards to choose from, this one might be the most stylish. It allows you to keep your beard bushy but without any unruliness. The Van Dyke at its core is a full goatee, the difference being the detached mustache. To shape this look, start with a full goatee and shave the connecting hair between the chin and the upper lip. Make sure to groom every few days and shave off the shadow to maintain this glorious beard.

6. Mustache

As far as facial hair styles go, you can never go wrong with a good, old-fashioned mustache. It’s a nice, tickly gift to give your girlfriend, too, if you know what I mean. However, it takes more than a nice, close shave to get that ‘stache. When you shave your mustache, make sure that it sits just above the top lip. You might need to trim it a little if the hair sticks out and covers even a small part of your upper lip. Don’t forget to shave the rest of your facial hair off to maintain a nice, sexy look.

7. 5 O’Clock Shadow

The lazy man’s go-to look for a quick style, the 5 o’clock shadow style of beard is one of the easiest types of beards to achieve. All you need are some clippers and a good razor for detailing. Trim as close as possible, and then shave any outlying hairs that don’t join the mass of your beard. If you have a full beard and need to upgrade your look for a formal occasion, this is the style to choose. Also, if you have an oval-shaped head, this facial hair style is something you should consider.


Beard authority Beardbrand shows off nine of the best types of beards you can play with in this video:

No matter what beard type you choose, styling it right will definitely catch an eye or two. Growing your beard out is nice and all, but it shouldn’t be your end goal. Try to play around with these types of beards to see which one looks best on you. At the end of the day, all that matters is how good you feel about yourself.

What are your favorite beard styles? Let us know in the comments section.

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