Major decisions can take a lot out of you. If your decision has high stakes, you may feel like you’re playing an aggressive poker game. Are the consequences up to chance, or will your choice have a massive impact? Every day, we make decisions. Some have little or no repercussions, and others can change our lives. If you’re struggling with making big decisions, you may need to come at it from a new angle.
Why Is Making Big Decisions Such a Pain?
Everyone knows what it’s like to stare at the lunch menu, unable to decide what to order. On a more serious level, many have also struggled with the choice of staying in their home city or moving to a new one. When faced with a hard decision, plenty of people would rather not make one, period. In fact, some prefer having the choice taken away. Researchers believe that people struggle with essential choices because of the fear of future regret.
How Can You Avoid Decision-Making Procrastination?
You don’t have to live in fear of making big decisions. The key to preventing procrastination is to catch it when it starts. Procrastination may look like productivity. It’s easy to identify if you’re sitting in front of the TV or watching mindless videos on the internet. However, if you deep clean your house when you have an urgent decision, you may want to reassess why you’re cleaning.
When a problem is unresolved, you need time to think it over. Set aside a block of time to clear your head. Try meditation or deep breathing to calm and ready yourself to think about the issue. Instead of giving in to procrastination, give yourself a timetable. Determine a deadline for making your choice and stick to it.
3 Tips for Making Big Decisions
If you’re ready to face your fears head-on, it’s time to stop procrastinating on making big decisions and learn to get the process done.
1. Talk to Your Support System
Your friends and family may have valuable opinions or may look at your situation with a fresh set of eyes. Others may have a new perspective that you need to move forward. Remember that unless you approach the people who support you, they won’t know to offer advice about your predicament.
2. Narrow Down Your Goals
Think about your objective. For example, if the choice is between two different jobs, decide where you want to be in a year. Think about which career path will help you reach your ultimate goal.
3. Trust Your Instincts
You have to live with your choice. Let your instincts guide you. Consider flipping a coin. Often, people realize which decision they’re hoping for in the middle of a coin flip. Let yourself go with the conclusion that you lean toward.
Let Us Guide You in Making Big Decisions
Most people hate making big decisions. Unfortunately, it’s a normal part of life that you can’t always escape. No matter what you’re struggling with, The Rugged Standard is here to be your guide in all things manly. Check us out for more tips on how to stay in control of your life.