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Struggling with Beard Balding? | How to Fix a Patchy Beard

A patchy beard is the bane of every type of beard, but luckily it’s something you can fix.

Patchy Beard Tips | Making The Most Out Of Your Beard


Step 1. Understand the Biology Behind Your Patchy Beard

Understand the Biology Behind Your Patchy Beard | Struggling with Beard Balding? | How to Fix a Patchy Beard

How your beard looks is largely a result of your biology. A number of factors contribute to why you have a patchy beard. For one, you might not have enough beard hormones. To be exact, you might lack the testosterone that allows beards to grow all thick and bushy. You may also experience weak blood flow to the patchier areas. Blood flow encourages more hormones to visit your beard and help it grow out better.

And that’s not all. Other factors cause a patchy beard as well. Nutrient deficiency, stress, and age all affect your beard growth. Not having enough vitamins stunts beard growth and may contribute to uneven patches. Stress also causes thinning and hair fall, both from your head and your beard.

These are factors that you have to keep in mind when you have an annoying, uneven beard. Don’t lose hope, though: there are plenty of ways to heal thin beard growth. You can still grow the beard you want in no time—with the right care and knowledge, of course. There are ways to handle patchiness and plenty of patchy beard styles that can make an otherwise awkward beard look better.

Step 2. Make Sure You Allow Enough Time to Grow out Your Beard

As with everything, great things take time. This is very true for guys with a patchy beard. Letting your beard grow out is the first step in learning how to fix a patchy beard.

Just like you in puberty, your beard will go through an awkward phase. It will struggle, overshoot, and even go on a few weird first dates (with your face.) Don’t expect it to grow evenly at all, as your body will be picking the most optimal places to grow hair in first. This will inevitably result in weird patches that don’t seem to be growing anything. Don’t panic because it’ll still grow out with a little time. Beard-growing wisdom dictates you give it 4-6 weeks of solid growth, no matter how tempted you are to tweak and trim.

A big benefit to letting your beard grow free is seeing its growth pattern clearly. In most cases, your beard grows faster on the chin, mustache, and jawline areas. These are where your facial hairs first started popping up as a teenager. This growth will keep going until you expire, and as such will be the thickest parts of your beard.

In time, you will notice that your beard has grown sufficiently. It may be thick and bushy or thin and straight. Now, it’s time to start evening out the hairs and making it work for your face.

Want to see the rest? Click through to read all 5 Steps to Fix A Patchy Beard on Wild Willies.

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