Rugged Standard

Don’t Miss These Posts On Rugged Standard…

1. Boat Shoes For Men And Why Everyone Should Have A Pair

Don’t Miss These Posts On Rugged Standard...
Boat shoes have evolved from being summertime footwear you wear on vacation, to an indispensable pair no man’s shoe closet should be without. Their versatile design makes boat shoes perfect for almost every occasion imaginable. From fun picnics to semiformal events, boat shoes could be your go-to footwear for everyday use. Here’s everything you need to know about boat shoes for men and why you should buy a pair today! Click to read more

2. How To Be A Cool Dad

Discovering ways to be a father while retaining your sense of self is a surefire way to come across as a cool dad – not just to your kids and the rest of the world but to yourself as well. Having kids doesn’t automatically mean you are stripped of your coolness! So, how do you become a fun and cool dad? These four tips are sure to help… Click to read more

3. How to Make Your Girlfriend Happy Without Spending A Dime

Broke and figuring out how to make your girlfriend happy? There a lot of ways to say “I love you” without dropping a month’s salary for a fancy dinner. It isn’t always about buying your girl shiny, pretty things. Here are 7 things you can do that tell her just how much you love her — without using your wallet… Click to read more

4. Irish Whiskey Drink Recipes To Try This Week

With Irish whiskey a staple in bars everywhere, it’d be awesome to make like a bartender and have some whiskey cocktail recipes in your arsenal to impress your friends (you know, the ones who still haven’t realized that the only thing whiskey really needs is a tumbler full of ice). Here are some whiskey cocktail recipes you can try to enhance your whiskey drinking experience… Click to read more

5. Best Skin Care Products For Rugged Men

If you’ve never put much thought into the best skin care products for men, it’s about time you did. Having a great skin care regimen not only makes your mug look good, it also gives you a little glow on the inside, too. Give your skin the same love you give the ladies with these 7 awesome men’s grooming products available today… Click to read more

What have you done this week? Let us know in the comments below.

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