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11 Top Man Grooming Tips

Man grooming is so much more than just slapping on some shaving cream and deodorant. It’s totally cool if you want to go the extra mile past basic soap and shampoo if you’re looking to upgrade your look. Think you’re ready to amp up your man grooming routine? This article is for you.

Man Grooming: 11 Hacks to Upgrade Your Self Care

1. Schedule Haircuts

Schedule Haircuts | Top Man Grooming Tips | shaving cream | grooming set | men’s personal care

A little hair out of place is fine, but if your hair is looking more like a bird’s nest with each passing day, then it’s time to schedule a trip to the barbershop. It’s good to go to a shop you’ve already tried before, but it’s even better to build and maintain a good relationship with your barber. Having a regular barber is easier because the chances of getting the same haircut you know you like and look good in are better.

2. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating isn’t just for the ladies. Now, there are tons of exfoliating scrubs gentlemen like you can choose from when it comes to taking care of your face and body. A good scrub gets rid of blackheads, dirt, and grime that may have settled on your face and body. No need to go crazy with it; exfoliating 2-3 times a week is enough (besides, who has the time?)

3. Get A Pumice Stone

Go the extra step and buy a pumice stone from your local supermarket or department store. It’ll come in handy during those cold winter months when skin tends to dry out faster. Simply rub the pumice stone on your feet’s problematic areas, after a shower or a bath. It feels pretty damn good, too.

4. Change Your Toothbrush

The mouth is one of the dirtiest parts of the human body, so it’s essential that its cleaning tool be changed regularly. Dentists recommend changing your toothbrush every three months, as it can accumulate bacteria over time. It’s also best to dispose of toothbrushes once you develop illnesses such as strep throat. Imagine brushing your teeth with that!

5. Take Care of Facial Hair

Some gentlemen prefer to keep their faces fuzz-free. If you’re one of them, here are a few grooming tips for a better shaving experience. Soak your razor in warm water and put a few drops of shave oil into your beard to help prep. The warm water will help your pores expand, reducing any potential irritation.

On the other hand, if you’re someone who prefers that rugged look, make sure to take care of it regularly. Beards should be cleansed with a beard shampoo once or twice a week. A regular trim would also be beneficial to your fuzzy mug.

6. Banish the Unibrow

Be mindful of the hair growing between your eyebrows. Don’t let it get out of hand and tell your barber to clean up the area the next time you’re at the shop. If you’d like, you could also ask him to clean the areas above and below your brows. After all, those stray hairs can make a huge difference in your overall appearance. Well-kept brows instantly make a huge difference for any gentleman.

7. Take it Easy on the Aftershave

Some men slather on way too much aftershave. You’ll notice heads turning as they walk, but odds are, it’s probably because of the overpowering fragrance. Remember, less is more— 2-3 drops of aftershave is enough.

8. Avoid Clashing Scents

Find a signature scent that you like, something you can imagine yourself wearing for the months to come. This signature scent is what you can use as a base scent when it comes to your grooming. Feeling adventurous with your scents? Change it up as the seasons pass. Fragrances with musky and woody tones work best in the winter, while clean and lighter scents are great for the summer months.

9. Always Moisturize

Use a moisturizer no matter what your skin type is. If you have dry skin, opt for moisturizers with oil in the ingredients or those that come in a cream-type formula. On the other hand, if you have oily skin, it’s best to stick to essences and gel-type formulas. Just starting out with your skincare routine? Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. S/he will help you figure out what your problem areas are and guide you through the different treatments and products in making your skin better.

10. Cut Nails

Long nails never look nice on a gentleman, so be sure to trim your nails regularly. Keeping them short reduces any dirt and grime from getting stuck under the nails. In doing so, they look cleaner and show off good grooming habits. It’s recommended to cut nails once the nails are soft, so opt to trim them after a shower. They’ll give in to the nail cutter much quicker and easier.

11. Wash Up Before Going to Bed

The city can take quite a toll on your face, with the many pollutants in the air. Cleansing your face with a proper face wash is important because it takes off all the impurities you may have come across throughout your day. This allows you to reduce the chances of any blackheads and zits popping up.


Want more man grooming tips to up your grooming routine? Press play on the video from Alex Costa below:

Sure, man grooming takes time and extra effort. But the reality is, these habits, when done consistently, will benefit you in the long run. Not only will you look and feel more put-together, but you’ll also be able to take better care of yourself in the process. After all, everybody could use a little more self-love, right?

Have more man grooming tips to share? Leave them in the comments section below!

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