Rugged Standard

How To Pack a Suit the Right Way

Whether you pride yourself on your efficient packing or you just shove everything in your suitcase and sit on it until you can zip it closed, you may be stumped when it comes to packing tricky items such as a suit. This guide will help you learn how to pack a suit the right way.

How To Pack a Suit

Unless you know you’ve got the time to find a dry cleaner to get your suit back in shape before you have to wear it, figuring out how to properly pack your suit is important. Otherwise, you’re going to show up at your nephew’s graduation or best bro’s wedding looking like a slob in your wrinkled-up suit. These how-tos can help you get it right.

how to pack a suit

How To Pack a Suit in a Suitcase

These methods will help you learn how to pack a suit when you have a full-sized suitcase to work with.

The Simple Method

Start by putting your suit in a plastic dry-cleaning bag. Next, fold your suit in half. Finally, lay it in your suitcase. Avoid overstuffing your suitcase. You don’t want your fancy suit to get caught in the zipper. This method works as long as your suitcase is big enough and not jam-packed with other items. 

The Somewhat Complicated Method

If you don’t have a dry cleaning bag or you just really like folding things, you can try folding your suit jacket like you would a dress shirt. Lay the jacket out face down and flat. Fold both sleeves flat against the back. Fold the jacket in half starting at the bottom, and then tuck the bottom hem under the collar. This method is more likely to cause creases but doesn’t require any special equipment.

How To Pack a Suit in a Bag

Packing a suitcase protects your suit better, but waiting in the baggage check line is no fun. Learn how to pack a suit for a carry-on bag and skip the line. 

The Simple Method

Start by turning the shoulders of your suit jacket inside out. Next, fold it in half so that the lapels are touching. Fold it one more time so that you have a square shape about the size of a book and then put it in your bag. When you arrive at your destination, unfold it and pop the shoulders right-side out. Your jacket should be wrinkle-free and ready to wear.  

The Somewhat Complicated Method

This method starts similarly to the first method but involves a bit more folding. First, spread the suit out flat. Fold the left shoulder backward and then pop the right shoulder inside out and insert the left shoulder inside the right. Fold the jacket first lengthwise and then horizontally. Put your folded jacket in the middle of your suit pants and then fold both ends of the trousers around the jacket. For extra protection, you can place the jacket in a plastic dry-cleaning bag before folding the pants around it. This prevents the fabric from rubbing together and wrinkling.

Learn How To Dress to Impress With The Rugged Standard

There’s more to looking like a sharp-dressed man than learning how to pack a suit. Check out all the tips and tricks on our blog. Don’t forget to let us know what you think!

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