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How To Impress A Girl Without Looking Like A Douche

These woe-free wooing tips teach you how to impress a girl without offending her or making her uncomfortable.

In this article:

  1. Be Polite
  2. Be Punctual
  3. Be Well-Groomed
  4. Dress to Impress
  5. Offer a Sincere Compliment
  6. Make Eye Contact
  7. Be Decisive, Yet Considerate
  8. Make Her Laugh
  9. Treat Her Well
  10. Initiate and Stoke the Fires of Conversation
  11. Put Away Mobile Devices
  12. Seek Her Advice
  13. Show Your Support
  14. Be Yourself

Learn How to Impress a Girl Without Crashing and Burning


1. Be Polite

man and woman having a tea conversation | How to Impress A Girl Without Looking Like A Douche
This is the rule that, well, rules them all. You can be better-looking than Brad Pitt and better-dressed than James Bond, but if you’re rude, it won’t matter. The past few months of the #MeToo movement have proven that nice guys do win—you get nowhere being an asshole.

Be well-mannered to the woman you’re trying to impress. Hold the door for her, listen, and don’t be indifferent when she talks. Make sure this politeness carries over outside of you and your date. Be polite and respectful to others as well (read: Don’t be a dick to the waitstaff and bartenders). This reflects positively on your character and will leave a lasting first impression.

2. Be Punctual

Showing up very late to your date can leave a bad first impression. It can also show you don’t value and respect your date’s time enough to make an effort to come early.

If you’re meeting your date in a new and unfamiliar area, give yourself enough time to prepare. Factor in the length of the drive/commute, looking for parking, and any issues you may encounter along the way.

3. Be Well-Groomed

No matter your personal style, be sure to come well put-together. No skipping a shower, deodorant, and/or shaving/trimming unkempt facial hair. One of the best tips on how to impress a girl is to show how much you care for yourself.

If you don’t groom yourself and it shows on your date, it only gives your awesome gal the idea that you can’t take care of yourself—and you can’t be expected to take care of her either.

4. Dress to Impress

You don’t need to be super fashionable to impress your date. For men’s styling, it helps to remember the 4 C’s: cut, color, context, and cleanliness. Make sure the color suits you, that the fit of your clothes is flattering yet comfortable, definitely clean, and suits any dress code.

5. Offer a Sincere Compliment

Don’t just tell her she has the prettiest smile, or that she’s the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen—while it may be true, it comes off a bit unoriginal. That is not how to get a girl. Think about offering a genuine comment about her intelligence, character, or personality, and not just creepy observations about her physical appearance. More, “You’re a great storyteller,” less “You have nice feet.”

Pro-tip: If you’re confident enough in your masculinity and your date is wearing makeup, compliment her handiwork. Many girls put plenty of effort into their makeup and will appreciate the acknowledgment of their artistry and hard work. Just don’t get too specific though—you could say something like, “Your skin is glowing,” or “You’d make a great beauty blogger; you’re so charismatic,” instead of “I love how your lipstick matches your nails perfectly!”

6. Make Eye Contact

Avoid looking at a woman up and down. Instead, look into her eyes and hold her gaze. Eye contact indicates that your intentions are respectful and not objectifying your date in any way. It also shows that you are trustworthy, likable, and easy to connect with.

Pro-tip: Are you a shy guy who has trouble maintaining direct eye contact despite your purest intentions? Try to zero in on the part of her forehead or nose close to her eyes to keep your gaze fixed on her face. This is an old military tactic, as you aren’t allowed to make direct eye contact with your superior officers, so soldiers instead focus on their chin or forehead.

RELATED: What Women Want In A Man | How To Be A Good Catch

7. Be Decisive, Yet Considerate

Confidence and certainty are attractive qualities, so if you want to know how to impress your crush, you better be sure to reflect this. Show some initiative when making decisions and avoid that dreaded loop of “No, where do you want to go?” Pick a date place or activity yourself, keeping her interests and comfort in mind.

Pro-tip: Offer some options so you can both be involved in the decision-making process. This makes for some bonus bonding points as well. Make it a part of your pre-date flirting!

8. Make Her Laugh

Break the ice. Tell some hilarious pick-up lines ironically. Pepper your conversations with a pun or two to surprise her. Laughter is a great way to quell any first date jitters, and helps bridge the gap and make a connection.

9. Treat Her Well

Find little ways to make your girl feel special. This can be anything from a thoughtful little gift, a cute comment on her social media page, a funny reference or inside joke, or a secret you’d never tell anyone else.

10. Initiate and Stoke the Fires of Conversation

Show her some genuine interest by asking questions about her. This is one of the foremost ways on how to impress a girl. You indicate a real interest in getting to know who she is, which wins you points.

One way of keeping the conversation going is to tell a story or an anecdote, then asking if she has a similar story of her own. Not only will this let her get to know you better, but it also helps her feel comfortable around you by bonding over shared experiences.

11. Put Away Mobile Devices

We are always on our phones, and admittedly they’re pretty hard to put down. However, if you’re sure you want to learn how to impress a girl, you also have to learn to ignore your phone. Constantly checking your phone only shows where your interest truly lies.

12. Seek Her Advice

Show her that her opinion is something you trust and value by asking her advice. Just take care not to overwhelm her with too many questions. Keep things light and simple by asking her take on a light workplace matter you encountered, or which is a better dessert choice.

13. Show Your Support

Impress a girl just by being supportive—having a sold support person is universally appreciated. It can be anything from a big life change, or simply a late-night pizza binge. Just showing your girl that you’re cheering her on is an awesome way to solidify a connection between you.

Pro-tip: This could also be a great way how to impress a girl at work.

14. Be Yourself

At the end of it all, if you want to know how to impress a woman, just be yourself. If you’re being yourself and living your best life, this shows how confident and self-assured you are—hence more points for you.


Here are more tips from Teachingmensfashion: 

Learning how to impress a girl is actually quite simple—no need for those playbook tactics of old that you’ve seen working on TV. Just seeing eye-to-eye with the girl that you fancy, and treating her with respect, is a great start enough on making that great first impression.

Have any foolproof and douche-proof tips of your own? Share them with us in the comments section below!

Up Next: 15 Sweetest Things To Say To Your Girlfriend

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